We found as part of in-store research in 2012 that the humble ‘dumpbin’ had the greatest impact in shoppers over pallet or case stock displays.
Analysing your customer’s in-store behaviour allows you to determine the best POS/POP marketing option. What path do they follow when they walk through a store? Having your displays/products placed along this patch will naturally achieve greater visibility and encourage impulse purchases.
Vertically blocked displays achieve better results as they stimulate our natural, subliminal urges to survey the landscape in search of large predators– in this case, the POP display stands positioned to ‘attack’ the shoppers by engaging their senses.
Images are the key methods of engagements as we primarily respond to ‘pretty pictures’. You can literally have only a second to hold attention once the initial contact/engagement has been made so the ‘words’ or marketing message should be kept to a minimum. According to our research ‘shoppers are walking down the aisle at 0.5 to 1.5 mph’. Key words such as ‘NEW’ or pricing (‘£1’ rather than ‘double loyalty points for two packs’) would achieve better results.
Hope this article is useful to you. Want more information, please keep staying focus on our news column. If you have any comment, please contact us!
Ideal display unit - Dumpbins
pubdate:2013-12-23 16:18 Writer:Cookie